Monday, January 31, 2011

Joshua is currenly a freshman student at Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York, where he is studying biochemistry with the intent to eventually attend medical school. Though he studies science, Joshua also has a passion for philosophy, blacksmithing, carpentry, gadgets and nature. His favorite pastimes are hiking, beating hot metal with a hammer, video-gaming, and recreational argumentation. He was raised in Falls Church, Virginia, where he currently lives with his parents and three younger sisters, and his older brother is currently deployed in Iraq as a member of the U.S. Army. After college, he intends to sign up with either the Peace Corps. or Habitat for Humanity before attending medical school.


  1. You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity. But funny Toy Story references aside, you seem to have quite a breadth and depth of interests and aptitudes. You are indeed a very engaging and lively character. However amidst all the good things mentioned I can't but notice the somewhat glaring absence of a reference to what ought to be the greatest thing in anyone's life: any sort of religious devotion, indeed, Christ. Since all our gifts, talents, oppotunities, possesions, interests, and even our existence itself is a gift from God, it seems apparent that our cultivation of all these investments ought to conform with His omnipotent will. Now, I do not mean to sound too critical. To be sure, it seems that among youth the author surpasses many in maturity and innate perception. However while there are a veritable plurality of wise people on this little blue dot of our planet, there are precious few who properly orient themselves to the Most High. The difficult temptation to the gifted is to forget the ultimate source of their excellence as a whole. Everything that went into making them the person they are came from Christ's original gifts as well as His continued work in thier lives. And so, while the inclinations to the Peace Corps. and the Habitat for Humanity suggest some charitable tendencies, an overt mention to any sort of religious devotion or deity remains absent. Now, I realize that this blog's genesis is in a secular university's academic class, and therefore may have perhaps some stigma assigned to speaking about one's faith. It may be opressively dismissed as pontificating and preaching. However, if I understand correctly that this assignment was intended to reveal facts about the author, then honesty would dictate that all facets, especially one as foundational as religion, be mentioned. And if religion is simply that absent in the author's life, it is a great pity, indeed. Another option could be perhaps that the university class's grading system assigns some penalty to bringing in religious belief, in which case the travesty is perhaps greater, insofar as it points to the existence of religious oppression and persecution in an albeit mild form. It is my sincere hope that neither of the above options are the case, and that Christ is alive and working in the hearts of both the author and the university.

  2. Correction: He also intends to build Jess a wonderful house with a lotus pond and be her fish-tank cleaner in return for delicious meals and Socratic dialogue. :)
